Thursday, May 12, 2016

When to Visit an Employment Law Attorney

If you have concerns about the way that you have been treated at work - either  because of discrimination, bullying, or even unlawful dismissal, it is a good idea to speak to an employment law attorney. Employment attorney Austin can offer you advice on the problem you are having, and will be in a good position to tell you whether you have a case against your employer or not.

If you are thinking of raising a case against a current or former employer, document as much as you can so that you have plenty of evidence to show to your attorney and to the courts. Keep emails. Note down the date and time of phone and face to face conversations, as well as who you spoke to. Keep track of everything you were told would happen, and what really happened. You will need this evidence should you end up gong to court over the grievance.

Employment law cases can be time consuming and stressful, but it is worth fighting for your rights, to ensure that everyone gets fair treatment in the workplace and that bad employers are not allowed to continue with their practices for too long.

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